Wednesday, December 10, 2014


  • Eliot uses a lot of symbolism: such as the yellow fog/ smog.
  • Both Hamlet and Peufrock are similar in the manner that they can't bring their decisions to actions.
  • But both are different in that one knows what to do but struggles and the other struggles to decide what to do.
  • Prufrock's inability to take action makes him depressed and lonely.
  • The poem is called Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock not because it's romantic or lovey-dovey (in fact, it's mourning and depressing). It's called that because of the possibility of Prufrock's life if he were to take action.
  • Was Prufrock suicidal?
  • Prufrock imagining himself "bald" and old proves his fear for his inability.
  • The women coming and going could represent their status in society.

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