Friday, November 21, 2014


As everybody knows, this was Righetti's second lockdown in this month. Where are we going wrong? Are we, as upper classmen teaching the right lessons to the lower classmen? On the day of the lockdown, 19th November 2014, Lilly and I went to El Camino Jr. High School to volunteers as leaders for respect day, where we explained, discussed, and taught the consequences of bullying, prejudice, stereotypes, racism, etc. It is so ironic how students like us, who want the  negativity surrounding everyone to decrease - if not stop. And then students of our school represent us in such a way that's embarrassing and degrading.

These two amazing leaders are trying to evoke change in young minds through sharing their personal stories and requesting and encouraging students to get rid of the hatred, pain, and negativity from their hearts.

I'm extremely proud that I could be a part of these (picture above) students' lives and hopefully ignite a change in them that they can eventually spread to the rest of the community. I'm proud that they all had the courage to share their stories and admit what was wrong from right. They now are a part of a small family where they have us and the fellow group members to communicate their feelings instead of take it out on someone that had no fault in it.

I hope that my group members, in the future, become the leaders and the reason of change.

*I will upload some videos in the next blog post.

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