Thursday, November 13, 2014


  • State of being flexible is extremely important in the world.
  • As a successful learner, you have to acknowledge new information and change your mind accordingly.
  • Hamlet is convinced of his duty but he is unable to act on it.
  • If you say something, it creates a sense of reality and not just ideas and thoughts put in words.
  • Talking creates understanding.
  • Talking to ourselves creates a sense of understanding for us and ourselves.
  • An expectation for an action was set by King Hamlet.
  • Perlocutionary: dictionary definition: relating to an act preformed by a speaker upon a listener.
  • Self fulfilling prophecy: confirm what we know. An action that tends to support a hypothesis.
  • Hamlet is reinforcing his thoughts and beliefs.
  • He concludes based on his thought process that he will not be able to act upon his duty.
  • There is no difference between words and action.
  • Polonius is a character of words and Claudius is a character of actions.
  • Why is Polonius more similar to Hamlet than Claudius is? Because Polonius is a creature of words and language.
  • Hamlet's motive is not to just get rid of Claudius but to take revenge and send Claudius to hell.
  • Is not killing Gertrude and punishing Claudius a sexist act?
  • Letting Gertrude suffer through her guilt is the biggest punishment the ghost wanted to give her.
  • Claudius finally realizes that Hamlet knows what he did and he needs to take an action against him by sending him away and getting rid of him.
  • Chorus is a group of people in a play that stands on a side and sings what happens in the play and explains it.
  • Killing Polonius moved Hamlet from a character of words to a character of action.
  • It served as a spark for Hamlet to evoke his emotions and let out his anger.
  • For the first time, Hamlet has integrity: he was ready to kill Claudius. He finally proved himself to be a murderer.

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