Monday, December 8, 2014


1) What is the role of time in this poem?
Time plays a great role in this poem because it is the one aspect in his life that pushes him to keep moving but at the same time pulls him back from taking action.
2) What is the significance of Eliot's allusions to Hamlet and the "eternal Footman"?
Prufrock is characterized to be the kind of character that struggles not only to convert his emotional and mental process to physical action but he's also characterized as someone who fails to understand many of his duties and responsibiliyies and also becomes a little procrastinating to bring about the desired action and results. He differs from Hamlet in this because Shakespeare characterized Hamlet to be an extremely intelligent young man who knows what is expected of him but he's troubled in the manner about what his actions will bring about for him and how it will affect him in the "unknown" future. But both these characters are similar in their struggle with time and the necessity to produce an action.

3) Choose a moment when Eliot uses figurative language and:

  • interpret the image
  • explain how the image and its meaning contribute to your understanding of the theme of the poem.
"Time to turn back and descend the stair, with a bald spot in the middle of my hair (They will say: "How his hair is growing thin!")
This moment in the poem contributes to the overall theme of the poem because it shows how Prufrock knows his inability to take action. His "baldness" and "thinning of the hair" foreshadows that the future is going to be same as how he is now.

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