Tuesday, April 28, 2015


I liked the journal topic for today so I decided to post about it instead of writing it in my journal because I know that if I write in that little book, no one is going to be able to see or read it. So here it is:

Extreme characters: what are they? Crazy? Over dramatic? Unrealistic? I would say they're personas that we can learn from in modern world. I consider them to have personality of somebody not afraid of their opinion and their goals. They're certain. They're sure. Lady Macbeth was crazy, true. She was evil, true. She was psychologically unstable, maybe. But she was someone that none of us can be nowadays: definite, confident, and even manipulative (which all of us need at some point in our lives but don't have it). I believe that extreme characters allow us to view the world in a more acquiring sense: making us believe that it depends on us and our efforts and desires to achieve anything as long as there's perseverance and future vision involved in it. En finale (yes, I'm aware that this probably does not exist now, but hey, I could start it!), extreme characters are what you wish to be - positively, of course (I'm not a psycho, I promise!) - but is not  realistic to ever be that way.

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